A holistic, science-based approach to solving your health issues and building robust health.

Bespoke • Effective • Sustainable

A holistic, science-based approach to solving your health issues and building robust health.

Bespoke • Effective • Sustainable

The 3 Simple Tenets To Consistent Energy, a Sharper Brain, And More Confidence In Your Body.

The 3 Simple Tenets To

Consistent Energy, a Sharper Brain, And More Confidence In Your Body.

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Hi, I’m Jon and I’m the person people who distrust conventional doctors go to for their health.

I help high performers and health-conscious individuals optimize energy, mental clarity, and resolve health issues without restrictive diets or pushing pills by correcting their environment, lifestyle, habits, and nutrition.

Having worked in medicine for over a decade, I get it.

You're busy and don't want to waste time doing things that don't get you results, such as:

mGoing to doctors who don't have the time to understand you and your unique needs and goals

mStaying up to date on the most recent science, bio hacks, and protocols

mOrdering a bunch of at-home tests and then not feeling like that information wasn't reliable or helped move the needle

Here's the truth: You know that your health is the foundation that the rest of your life is built upon...

mConsistently functioning at a high level at work

mPlaying with your kids and not worrying if you can keep up

mBeing able to perform in the bedroom

mHaving the energy and enthusiasm to pursue your passions

All requiring your body to perform consistently at a high level.

But you cannot attain and maintain this level of wellbeing simply by following some popular diet like keto or carnivore, drinking celery juice, or taking the top trending supplements.

And here's why: You are genetically and biochemically unique person with a distinct upbringing, lifestyle, and environment that has shaped your current level of wellness. In other words, dialing in your health requires CONTEXT. Until all of those things are taken into consideration, no one can tell you what foods fuel your body best, if you should intermittent fast or eat more frequently, or what supplements you should take.

Hi, I’m Jon and I’m the person people who distrust conventional doctors go to for their health.

I help high performers and health-conscious individuals optimize energy, mental clarity, and resolve health issues without restrictive diets or pushing pills by correcting their environment, lifestyle, habits, and nutrition.

Having worked in medicine for over a decade, I get it.

You're busy and don't want to waste time doing things that don't get you results, such as:

mGoing to doctors who don't have the time to understand you and your unique needs and goals

mStaying up to date on the most recent science, bio hacks, and protocols

mOrdering a bunch of at-home tests and then not feeling like that information wasn't reliable or helped move the needle

Here's the truth: You know that your health is the foundation that the rest of your life is built upon...

mConsistently functioning at a high level at work

mPlaying with your kids and not worrying if you can keep up

mBeing able to perform in the bedroom

mHaving the energy and enthusiasm to pursue your passions

All requiring your body to perform consistently at a high level.

But you cannot attain and maintain this level of wellbeing simply by following some popular diet like keto or carnivore, drinking celery juice, or taking the top trending supplements.

And here's why: You are genetically and biochemically unique person with a distinct upbringing, lifestyle, and environment that has shaped your current level of wellness. In other words, dialing in your health requires CONTEXT. Until all of those things are taken into consideration, no one can tell you what foods fuel your body best, if you should intermittent fast or eat more frequently, or what supplements you should take.

What It's Like To Work Together

I am here to guide you past all of the noise and confusion online.
I do things differently.


Advanced Laboratory


I rely on the most advanced Functional Medicine lab assessments to properly quantify your unique needs. We go way beyond a simple micronutrient or hormone panel.


100% Virtual

I work with people across the US and show them how to assess and address all the factors in their life keeping them from being at their best every day.



All plans and programs are customized based upon your specific needs, goals, and preferences.

What It's Like To
Work Together

I am here to guide you past all of the noise and confusion online.
I do things differently.


Advanced Laboratory Testing

I rely on the most advanced Functional Medicine lab assessments to properly quantify your unique needs. We go way beyond a simple micronutrient or hormone panel.


100% Virtual

I work with people across the US and show them how to assess and address all the factors in their life keeping them from being at their best every day.



All plans and programs are customized based upon your specific needs, goals, and preferences.

During our work together we will create personalized and sustainable habits and routines that build you up, we’ll correct any imbalances we detect via proper lab testing, and you will know how to structure your nutrition so that it is supporting your health goals and performance long-term.

Not only will you feel great, you will have total confidence in yourself.

No more having to consult Dr. Google every time some new research or miracle diet pops up. Instead, you will know exactly what you need, what you don’t, and why.

I give you all the knowledge and tools necessary to not only live longer, but to live better.

During our work together we will create personalized and sustainable habits and routines that build you up, we’ll correct any imbalances we detect via proper lab testing, and you will know how to structure your nutrition so that it is supporting your health goals and performance long-term.

Not only will you feel great, you will have total confidence in yourself.

No more having to consult Dr. Google every time some new research or miracle diet pops up. Instead, you will know exactly what you need, what you don’t, and why.

I give you all the knowledge and tools necessary to not only live longer, but to live better.

What People Are Saying

"I was finally able to SEE, in an objective, numerical view, why I felt the way I felt. That insight alone was freeing. Things like my fingernails growing so fast for the first time in my life meant I must be finally absorbing nutrients better! Feeling less fatigued at the end of the day allowed me to believe my mitochondria were better supported to do their jobs."


Licensed Therapist and Health Coach

"I’m down 13lbs after not seeing the scale move for six months. My energy is increasing. I feel clear and driven again.
So, if you’re not feeling like you’re functioning at your optimal level I highly recommend having a convo with Jon.”


CEO Ethical Scaling

"My cholesterol was in the 300-400's and I tried a plant-based diet for over a year. After working with Jon for 3 months my cholesterol is under 200, I've lost 14 pounds, and I feel great.”


Account Manager

What People Are Saying

"I was finally able to SEE, in an objective, numerical view, why I felt the way I felt. That insight alone was freeing. Things like my fingernails growing so fast for the first time in my life meant I must be finally absorbing nutrients better! Feeling less fatigued at the end of the day allowed me to believe my mitochondria were better supported to do their jobs."


Licensed Therapist and Health Coach

"I’m down 13lbs after not seeing the scale move for six months. My energy is increasing. I feel clear and driven again.
So, if you’re not feeling like you’re functioning at your optimal level I highly recommend having a convo with Jon.”


CEO Ethical Scaling

"My cholesterol was in the 300-400's and I tried a plant-based diet for over a year. After working with Jon for 3 months my cholesterol is under 200, I've lost 14 pounds, and I feel great.”


Account Manager

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Sign up for an un-awkward, no-cost, no-obligation discovery call.

Apply To Work With Jon

Ready to take action? I'm here for you.

Sign up for an un-awkward, no-cost, no-obligation discovery call.

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Copyright © 2024 · Jon Mitchell, All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use